MFAW-VT alumna Maggie Cleveland has just had her book accepted for publication by Cobalt Press. Here’s her story in her own words:
10 years, one major revision, three or four minor revisions, 60 or so submissions, 59 or so rejections (and more money in accompanying submission fees than I’d like to think about) – it took getting to the point where about a year and a half ago I looked at the manuscript and said ‘there is nothing more I can do to this. It’s done.’ I sent it out a few more times, just in case. Good thing I did. A COMPLICATED PIECE OF MACHINERY WITH NUMEROUS POSSIBILITIES FOR INJURY will be published by Cobalt Press in late 2019/early 2020! Thanks to editor Andrew Keating for taking a chance on this curious assemblage of work. And thanks to Douglas A. Martin, Kenny Fries, Michael Klein, and John Landry for your care in reading and invaluable feedback. And of course Jaime Duquette for supporting ATOM FISH as a chapbook and Jake Wyatt for helping me create and encouraging me to take the space needed to write and edit this book.