Big things are happening for MFAW-WA Faculty Member Aimee Liu’s forthcoming novel Glorious Boy, which Publishers Weekly  says “upends the clichés of the white savior narrative.” Join her celebrations and appearances as the novel launches tomorrow!

Last week it received TWO  STARRED advance reviews!

*Booklist wrote: “This fascinating novel examines the many dimensions of war, from the tragedy of loss to the unexpected relationships formed during conflict.. Liu’s prose is masterful. A good choice for book groups and for readers who are unafraid to be swept away.”

*Library Journal’s  concluded: “A riveting amalgam of history, family epic, anticolonial/antiwar treatise, cultural crossroads, and more, this latest from best-selling author Liu is a fascinating, irresistible marvel.”

And it’s been selected for THREE major book recommendation roundups:

GOOD HOUSEKEEPING’s 35 Best Books of 2020 to Add to Your Reading List ASAP

BRIT+CO– 12 Books That Will Take You on a Literary Vacation round-up

TRAVEL & LEISURE — 20 New Books to Gift This Mother’s Day round-up  

Aimee’s Publication Day is Tuesday, May 12, and you are cordially invited to join her virtually for any and all of the day’s events:

10:00 AM PDT                   Susan Wingate will interview Aimee on her “Dialogue” podcast; listen here: 

11:30 AM PDT                   Robin Homonoff will interview Aimee at A MIGHTY BLAZE Visit:

5:30 PM PDT                      Aimee will chat with readers at NOVEL NETWORK. Join here to attend:

6:30 PM PDT                      Aimee’s Virtual Book Party at DIESEL BOOKS/Brentwood. Aimee will be discussing Glorious Boy with the wonderful Sandra Tsing Loh (and you can get a physically signed hard copy of the book from Diesel, too). Go to Diesel’s Crowdcast link attend:

To check on these and other events as they “virtualize,” please visit Aimee’s new website and sign up for her newsletter here: