San Bernardino, Singing, the first anthology of literature about the city, launches this week. Each day, May 25 – 31, at 3 pm, they will release a new video and hold a Zoom live session (total time including video and conversation: 30 minutes) to celebrate this wonderful new addition to California’s literary history. Join Keenan on Day 5!
Day 1, May 25: San Bernardino, Singing [Foreword]: Nikia Chaney, Vanessa Nunez, Deenaz Coachbuilder
Day 2, May 26: Home on the Map: Carlos Cortes, Michelle Gonzalez, Linda Ravenswood
Day 3: May 27: Meant to Ignite: Kathleen Alcala, Tom McGovern, Sheela Free
Day 4: May 28: Placas Like la Siqueiros: Gayle Brandeis, Christine Chatterton, liz gonzalez
Day 5: May 29: The Beauty Shall Remain: Adam Martinez, Keenan Norris, Ruth Nolan
Day 6: May 30: Love & Loss: James Luna, Cindy Rinne, Juanita Mantz
Day 7: May 31: Culminating event and live reading: Nikia Chaney, Irene Monica Sanchez, Erika Ayon, Julie Sophia Paegle
Event RSVP invitation: Register in advance for this webinar: