MFAW alumna Nita Sweeney’s unpublished memoir, Twenty-Six Point Freaking Two: How a Sedentary, Middle-Aged Manic Depressive Became a Marathoner (with the help of her dog), was short-listed for the 2018 William Faulkner – William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition nonfiction category. 
Read Nita’s blog, to see more about the news created by her unpublished memoir and advice for writers who are also thinking of submitting work for publication or a competition.
Nita Sweeney, M.F.A. has written professionally since 1984 and has published articles and essays in magazines and journals including Dog WorldDog FancyWriter’s JournalCountry LivingPitkin Review and in several newspapers and newsletters. She has also contributed to books such as Buddhist America. She publishes a monthly e-newsletter, Write Now Newsletter, which features a short essay, a schedule of her classes, and lists many other central Ohio writing events.