spider webGoddard MFA alumna Patty Flaherty (Pagan) announces a cash prize flash fiction contest from Spider Road Press.  It’s their second annual contest, this year judged by prize-winning literary flash fiction writer Kathryn Kulpa, and Eden Royce, a writer, editor and activist committed to promoting African-American women writers in the horror and suspense genres. Entries of flash fiction featuring a female protagonist (gender of writer is unimportant) will be accepted from February 15 –May 15, 2016.

Spider Road Press publishes and promotes fiction by and/or about strong women. We believe that all brave, intelligent writing is literary, no matter what the subject matter. Writers, we invite you to embrace precision. Readers, we encourage you to stretch your imagination. Full details on our cash prize in this press release.

Have more questions?  Contact Ms. Kessika Johnson, editor@spiderroadpress.com.

patty flahertyEditor in Chief, Patricia Flaherty Pagan,  grew up in Red Sox Nation but has lived in four countries. She thought getting her MFA in creative writing was hard, until she tried adopting two Indonesian street cats. She writes award-winning mystery and literary short stories and novellas. Trail Ways Pilgrims: Stories, her collection featuring literary and mystery tales, was published in March 2015. Her mystery fiction has appeared in Eve’s Requiem: Tales of Women, Mystery and Horror and Spry, among others. Her literary short stories and flash fiction have been published in various journals and included in anthologies such as Our Space and Tides of Impossibility. She edited Up, Do: Flash Fiction by Women Writers. She still likes Blondie and The Pretenders. Find her at her website: patriciaflahertypagan.com