Faculty News, News Flash
Los Angeles Review of Books has just published an essay by Faculty member Aimee Liu comparing Sarah Koenig’s brainchild to Sebastian Junger’s A Death in Belmont — with shouts out to Anthony Doerr and Alan Dershowitz in the bargain. This essay was...
Faculty News, News Flash
Goddard MFA Faculty member Aimee Liu’s essay, inspired by the author Meredith Hall, has been published by the Los Angeles Review of Books. A version of this essay was Aimee’s commencement address last summer in Port Townsend, Goddard’s West Coast MFA...
Thoughts and Musings
Searing, soaring advice from the master Martha Graham… “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block...
Thoughts and Musings
Here’s the art of memoir in a nutshell: Through the story of the experience, we get to know the past you; through the voice and insights you bring to the writing of that experience, we get to know and care about the present you — and we learn what...