Attention lovers of Serial, the podcast!

Los Angeles Review of Books has just published an essay by Faculty member Aimee Liu comparing Sarah Koenig’s brainchild to Sebastian Junger’s A Death in Belmont — with shouts out to Anthony Doerr and Alan Dershowitz in the bargain. This essay was...

Toward a Messy and Uncertain Grace

Goddard MFA Faculty member Aimee Liu’s essay, inspired by the author Meredith Hall, has been published by the Los Angeles Review of Books. A version of this essay was Aimee’s commencement address last summer in Port Townsend, Goddard’s West Coast MFA...

Tips on Memoir, Revising and Editing

Here’s the art of memoir in a nutshell: Through the story of the experience, we get to know the past you; through the voice and insights you bring to the writing of that experience, we get to know and care about the present you — and we learn what...