Bhanu Kapil Reads for Racial Justice
On June 5th, join Goddard faculty member Bhanu Kapil and poets from the UK and North America to mourn, witness, dream, nourish and celebrate black life.
On June 5th, join Goddard faculty member Bhanu Kapil and poets from the UK and North America to mourn, witness, dream, nourish and celebrate black life.
The Fall 2020 Pitkin Review, a biannual literary journal published by Goddard MFAW students, features 15 beautifully written works from 11 student contributors. Check out the cover reveal and pre-order your copy today!
San Bernardino, Singing, the first anthology of literature about the city, launches this week. Each day, May 25 – 31, at 3 pm, they will release a new video and hold a Zoom live session (total time including video and conversation: 30 minutes) to celebrate this wonderful new addition to California’s literary history. Join Keenan on Day 5!
Liu’s new novel made Booklist’s Top 10 Historical Fiction list for 2020, and is AWP’s Virtual Book Club pick for June.
Faculty member Bhanu Kapil’s poetry collection How To Wash A Heart (Liverpool University Press), is the Poetry Book Society Choice for the summer.