So, Prince. And…

Goddard MFA faculty member Rahna Reiko Rizzuto muses on Prince and the new Goddard slogan (what?!) “I am not an expert on Prince. I do not own the purple disk of Purple Rain; I cannot sing every word of every B side. I have not analyzed the Purple One’s sexuality (except to rejoice that there was clearly enough of it for everyone) and have no insight into how or why he died.

This Day, in Infamy and History

Today is a day that was supposed to live in infamy. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and the U.S. response, kicked off a chain of events – including the internment and the atomic bombings – that still reverberate today. What do we know?...

The Gifts of Retreat

It’s 94 degrees in Brooklyn, and I am writing in a pair of blue cashmere fingerless gloves. They are a gift from a dear friend – crafted from recycled goodness, and sent from Canada. They are also a shared talisman that connects me to my tribe: a group of women who...

Ruth Ozeki’s reading at Goddard

As in, she DID read, and if you weren’t there but wish you were, here’s a video:   Novelist and filmmaker Ruth Ozeki was our visiting writer at the MFA in Creative Writing Program’s spring 2015 residency in Vermont. Ozeki’s first two novels, My...

Writing From the Margins

Last week, I was invited to talk to a class at City College in New York. Someone asked me about structure; specifically what I thought of the fact that none of the books on their syllabus, including my memoir, had a traditional structure. It wasn’t until that moment –...