Thoughts and Musings
“If the best of human creativity is rooted in the subconscious, and I believe it is, all art therefore shares at least a zip code with dreams — if not an actual street address. And I believe that subtext exists as a challenge to interpret and understand in a way that goes far beneath the surface – not unlike the idealized dream dictionary of my childhood.”
Thoughts and Musings
My friend and I run a diversity fellowship out of a TV production company here in NYC…
Thoughts and Musings
Goddard MFAW faculty Susan Kim: My psychic reserves are low. And so I find myself reading the so-called “strange stories” of Robert Aickman.
Thoughts and Musings
Goddard MFAW faculty Susan Kim: I saw a cartoon on Facebook last week of Bart Simpson by his usual blackboard. Only this time, he has written “I will not compulsively check” over and over.
Thoughts and Musings
Goddard MFA Faculty member Susan Kim writes, “When I discovered that the residency theme was “Body, Language” and that I was expected to deliver a keynote, I grew despondent. Maybe what I really was, was overwhelmed. Because let’s face it: anything with “body” in it is one hefty mother of a subject. Writing outside of the body is difficult…and risky. We risk getting it wrong. We risk looking really stupid. And we certainly risk offending, often the same readers we are trying to reach.