2021 LIGHTHOUSE WRITERS' CONFERENCE & RETREAT: Supporting and Inspiring the Writer’s Life REGISTRATION Begins October 15, 2020. Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis (Max. 30). Graduates of Goddard's MFAW program are welcome, whether they...
Congratulations to the Newest MFAW Alumni!
On behalf of the Clockhouse Writers’ Conference Board of Stewards and the alumni community of the Goddard College MFAW program, we want to extend our congratulations and warmest welcome to those who recently graduated. From the Plainfield, Vermont, campus: Dylan Boyer...
Alumna Tina Ontiveros’s thesis to be published
MFAW-WA alumna Tina Ontiveros’s thesis, rough house: a memoir, has been accepted for publication by OSU Press. Congratulations, Tina!
It’s Not Too Late to Register for the CWC&R!
Photo: Joe DuPont As promised, the 2020 Clockhouse Writers’ Conference & Retreat will be underway on Wednesday, July 1 – and it’s not too late to register! Given that we’ll be gathering remotely, without travel considerations, we’re hoping to see those who...
Alumna Stephanie Leary awarded EST/Sloan commission
Off-Broadway’s Ensemble Studio Theatre, in collaboration with The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, has announced that the recipients of the EST/Sloan commissions for the upcoming season include Syracuse Stage for Commanding Space: The Rise of Annie Easley and the Centaur Rocket by our very own MFAW-VT alumna Stephanie Leary.
Alumna Kellebrew’s new poetry collection!
MFAW-WA alumna Liz Kellebrew’s new poetry book, Water Signs, is forthcoming from Unsolicited Press in 2022.
Heather Bartel published in Qu magazine
MFAW-VT alumna Heather Bartel’s poem “Float” will be published in the forthcoming summer 2020 issue of the literary magazine Qu. Congratulations, Heather!
Alumnus Ron Estrada’s thesis longlisted
Recent graduate Ron Estrada’s thesis, The Wind, Then Turn From It, is long-listed for the 2020 Tarpaulin Sky Book Awards.
Congratulations, Ron!
Alumna Sarah Townsend in LitHub
MFAW-WA alumna Sarah Townsend, author of Setting the Wire: A Memoir of Postpartum Psychosis, discusses writing, families, and the struggle to make meaning out of madness, with author Marin Sardy in Lithub.
Alumna Laurel Radzieski’s Tedx talk
Goddard MFAW Alumna Laurel Radzieski talks about writing poems for strangers in her first Tedx talk. It is FAB!