High School senior, Wally Banks is selling knives door to door, and gets trapped in a man’s house with a dark secret and must escape before it’s too late.
Exquisite Corpse Published!
MFAW-WA alumna Tawnya Renelle’s Goddard thesis, The Exquisite Corpse, is being published this month by an independent press in Glasgow, Scotland.
Beyond Well–Setting the Wire
Beyond Well is for people wanting to think about the interior world and being human.
Maggie Cleveland to be published
MFAW-VT alumna Maggie Cleveland has just had her book accepted for publication by Cobalt Press. Here's her story in her own words: 10 years, one major revision, three or four minor revisions, 60 or so submissions, 59 or so rejections (and more money in...
Juanita Kirton named 2019 Baker Veteran Scholar
MFAW-VT alumna Juanita Kirton has just been named the 2019 Baker Veteran Scholar at the Longleaf Writers Conference. Juanita Kirton – 2019 Baker Veteran Scholar Dr. Juanita Kirton earned MFA from Goddard College (2015) in Creative Writing &...
Two awards for Ni’Ja Whitson
MFAW-VT alumna Ni'Ja Whitson has received two major creative awards for her work The Unarrival Experiments, which was her Goddard thesis. Ni'Ja received a Creative Capital Award toward the development of the book and performance project. "Dark matter and dark energy...
Pre-order Jason Graff’s debut novel
MFAW-VT alumnus Jason Graff's debut novel Stray Our Pieces is now available for pre-order. It comes out in October and his publisher is keen to get the word out about pre-orders as it helps them sell the book to stores. Here is the...
MFAW-VT Alumna Chera Hammons Miller Named Writer-in-Residence
Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Connotation Press, Rattle, Sugar House Review, Tar River Poetry, THRUSH, Tupelo Quarterly, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and The Writer’s Almanac, among others. Books include Amaranthine Hour (Jacar Press, 2012), Recycled Explosions (Ink Brush Press, 2016), and The Traveler’s Guide to Bomb City (Purple Flag Press, forthcoming January 2017). She is a member of the editorial board of poetry journal One. She lives in Amarillo, TX.
MFAW-VT Alumnus Joe Ricker and His 5-Book Deal
About the author: Joe Ricker is a former bartender for southern literary legends Barry Hannah and Larry Brown. He has also worked as a cab driver, an innkeeper, acquisitions specialist, professor and in the Maine timber industry. Esquire magazine referred to him as “[a] man of letters who’s gentle in the way that only the toughest of hard-asses can be.” He grew up in Sanford, Maine, and earned degrees from Marion Military Institute, Ole Miss, and Goddard College. Ricker now lives in Reno, Nevada, where he teaches in the University of Nevada’s English department.
MFAW-VT Alumna Jennifer Judge / Jenny Holzer Collaboration
MFAW-VT alumna Jennifer Judge's poem. “81 North,” was recently selected to appear in a Jenny Holzer art installation in the Comcast Technology Center lobby in Philadelphia. This is the text was originally sent when she was asked if her work could be included (and it...