“Forgotten Kingdoms” touches on such themes as culture clash, the legacy of colonialism and competition among religions, but it is far from an issue play. Bold, often poignant and sometimes too leisurely, the work extends an appealingly personal and idiosyncratic vision, rich in telling detail. The title may reference forgetting, but the play often seems as clear and specific as a total-recall memory.
Alumni Weekend Residency in October!
The Goddard College alumni planning committee invites you to an alumni-directed residency weekend to create emergent spaces to:
Gather, share and create in community,
Co-develop the Goddard College alumni association,
Foster personal/professional growth,
Organize opportunities to rise together and create a world that is socially and ecologically just,
Become a voice in the alumni community and be part of shaping Goddard’s future,
Cultivate and strengthen networks within the Goddard community, and
Actualizing the infinite possibilities of our collective identities.
What Happens When Nothing Happens
Goddard College MFAW alumna Christine Kalafus: What happens when nothing happens has this practical, grown-up writer falling prey to childlike superstition. My jeans fit today with no evidence of muffin-top so clearly I will win Big Essay Contest! or My mother has called three times and I haven’t called her back; obviously Prominent Literary Magazines will say no. If my grown-up bargaining isn’t exactly like what I experienced as a kid, it feels unnervingly close. I am reminded that, whenever I wait for a subjective response, I’m in danger of handing someone else my self-esteem.
Sheila Curran Bernard Receives NYFA Award
Sheila was awarded a named collaborative fellowship from NYFA: the Geri Ashur Screenwriting Award (established in 1984) in memory of Geraldine Ashur, for Playwriting/Screenwriting.
Alexis Smith’s Second Novel Published
We’re happy to celebrate the publication by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt of Goddard MFA in Creative Writing alumna, and recent Visiting Alumna, Alexis Smith’s second novel, Marrow Island.
John Hadden’s Memoir Published by Arcade
Goddard alumus John Hadden’s book Conversations with a Masked Man: My Father, the CIA, and Me was published by Arcade Publishing. James Carroll, author of An American Requiem, says John’s book is “a poignant encounter” in which he “shows how the wounds of the past refuse to heal, and how acknowledging that truth can open into hard won wisdom — and even love.”
MFAW Student Anaïs Mitchell in The New Yorker
“Hadestown” began in Vermont, in 2006. “The original was a D.I.Y. theatre project,” Mitchell said. “It was a lot of, like, wild cabin-fever Vermont artists coming together, fringe people who have chosen this off-the-beaten-path life style—homesteading, chickens, stacking their own wood.”
Goddard Poets in the House
Goddard MFA alumna Teresa Mei Chuc writes, “If you’re in NYC on Sat., July 30th, I hope you can join us for a poetry reading at Poets House. Several Goddard College MFA in Creative Writing alumni will be there: Drew Dillhunt (Port Townsend, WA), David Giver (Plainfield, VT), Susan Deer Cloud (Plainfield, VT) and Teresa Mei Chuc (Plainfield, VT).
Why Self-Publish–Bring That Book Into the Light
Self-publish? Mon Dieu! and Sacre bleu! Never! After all, we students in Goddard’s MFA Creative Writing program aim to hone our writing to such an elegant point that we assume agents and publishers will beat down our doors, right?
The Art of Loving Poetry
I had no idea how to start a press but my fingers searched for the path and I began to feel my way in the dark, researching different options and learning as I went along while fueled by the love of writing poetry and the love of sharing poetry that I loved.