The Goddard MFA in Creative Writing is thrilled to announce that we will be introducing the first podcasting curriculum offered by any low residency MFA in Creative Writing this coming summer in Vermont. Also, for the first time ever, these workshops will be open to...
Goddard MFAW AWP Panels!
GODDARD COLLEGE COMMUNITY Events @ AWP Portland, 2019 Join the Goddard Community at AWP’s 2019 conference in Portland, OR! From March 27-30, 2019, Goddard College faculty, staff, and student and alumni volunteers will be on hand...
AWP 2019 in Portland, OR!
AWP 2019 Goddard College Panel line-up!
ELECTION DAY!! And an MFAW Faculty Discount Thanks to Reiko Rizzuto
(And don’t forget Reiko’s interview on The Rumpus, Electric Literature essay, Salon Article, and this essay on Lit Hub, all of which are also linked on her website blog.)
Alchemy of the Word News
In today's Craft Book Spotlight, The Writer magazine gave our very own all-faculty compilation, Alchemy of the Word, a nice shout-out: "When National Book Award winner and acclaimed memoirist Maxine Hong Kingston praises a book, you sit up and pay attention. “Whether...
Goddard/PEN North American Scholarship 2018 Winner
Goddard College is pleased to congratulate Steven Dunn, recipient of the 2018 Goddard/PEN North American Scholarship, and second-place awardee Maša Sukovic. Ten additional scholarship candidates will receive Engaged Artist Awards of $2,000 each: PEN America members Amy Barnes, Lisa Chambers, Will Duprey, Ron Estrada, Brian Jackson, Jo Manu Maltzman, Sarah Monahan, Jay Sheets, and Rachel Spalding; and PEN Canada member Magdalen Bowyer.
Alchemy of the Word
You asked for them: Those moving, inspiring, thought-provoking keynote and graduation lectures that you couldn't stop thinking about. At the residencies for the Goddard MFA in Creative Writing program, "Can I get a copy of that?" is an even more common refrain than...
Alumni Weekend Residency in October!
The Goddard College alumni planning committee invites you to an alumni-directed residency weekend to create emergent spaces to:
Gather, share and create in community,
Co-develop the Goddard College alumni association,
Foster personal/professional growth,
Organize opportunities to rise together and create a world that is socially and ecologically just,
Become a voice in the alumni community and be part of shaping Goddard’s future,
Cultivate and strengthen networks within the Goddard community, and
Actualizing the infinite possibilities of our collective identities.
Ni’Ja Whitson’s A Meditation on Tongues
Goddard MFAW student, choreographer Ni’Ja Whitson’s “A Meditation on Tongues” is a live adaptation of “Tongues Untied,” Marlon Riggs’s 1989 documentary about gay black men amid the AIDS crisis. An interdisciplinary piece about black and queer masculinity, this production, at the Abrons Arts Center, is a world premiere. (American Realness, Saturday through Monday)
An Interview with Douglas A. Martin
In the new Rain Taxi, Douglas Martin and Andy Fitch talk through the examples of Kathy Acker, Hart Crane, Gertrude Stein, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, and others. Narcissism. Writing sentences like painting. And how one gets involved in the work.