Umbrella Factory

Umbrella Factory isn't just a magazine, it's a community project that includes writers, readers, poets, essayists, filmmakers and anyone doing something especially cool. The scope is rather large but rather simple. We want to establish a community--virtual and...
The Pitkin Review

The Pitkin Review

The Pitkin Review is a peer-reviewed literary journal published biannually by a collaborative community of editors, creative writers, and graphic artists showcasing the best work of their fellow MFA writers in fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, drama, critical...

The Conium Review

The Conium Review

The Conium Review publishes innovative writing.  We lean toward unconventional plots, bizarre settings, and experimental language.  Make it weird. We are especially interested in work from women, LGBTQ authors, and writers of color. We work...

Tarpaulin Sky

Tarpaulin Sky

Founded in 2002 as an online literary journal, Tarpaulin Sky took the form of 12.5 internet issues before deciding to explore anachronism by way of producing its first paper edition in November 2007. Today the magazine continues to publish new work both...

Stone Hole Press l3c

Stone Hole Press l3c

"Magic happens when good writers cross over into the territory of their own mastery. This elusive line cannot be measured by outside constraints or conferred by others. The territory of mastery may be known only by those writers who persist in their pursuit of inquiry...

Shape&Nature Press

Shape&Nature Press

Shape&Nature Press is a small, independent publisher of poetry, fiction, and creative literary projects founded in 2011.  Our mission is to publish the best contemporary literature we can find with an emphasis on work that challenges readers, either...

Shabda Press

Shabda Press

Shabda is the Sanskrit word for "sound, speech."  Shabda is the sound current vibrating in all creation referred to as the Audible Life Stream, Inner Sound, and Word. Founded in June 2011 by Teresa Mei Chuc, Shabda Press' mission is to bring forth the...

Minerva Rising

Minerva Rising

Minerva Rising is an independent literary journal celebrating the creativity and wisdom in every woman. We publish thought-provoking fiction, non-fiction, photography, poetry and essays tri-annually (Fall, Winter and Spring) by emerging and established women...

Hummingbird Press

Hummingbird Press

Hummingbird Press was founded by Phyllis Walsh in 1990 with strong encouragement from her friend, and fellow poet, Cid Corman. Based in Madison, WI and Seattle, WA, the press publishes Hummingbird: Magazine of the Short Poem in the spring and the fall. Submissions of...

Empty City Press

Empty City Press

Empty City Press (est. 2007) is dedicated to literature that challenges and responds to the culture that surrounds it; our work is our lives, and we can ask nothing less of it. Dedicated to the proliferation of Speculative and Alternative Literary Fiction,...



Clockhouse is a national literary journal published in partnership with Goddard College by the Clockhouse Writers’ Conference, the alumni association of Goddard’s MFA in Creative Writing Program. Our mission statement: Dare. Risk. Dream. Share....

