Publishing News from Douglas A Martin

Goddard faculty member Douglas A. Martin launches his new book, Wolf, and a 20th anniversary edition of his first novel.

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Jan Clausen’s Criticism Published

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Jan Clausen’s Criticism Published

MFAW-VT faculty member Jan Clausen's review of new poetry and hybrid works appears in the July/August issue of the Women's Review of Books. She addresses Ada Limón’s poetry collection The Carrying and Amy Fusselman’s lyric essay Idiophone.  

MFAW Director, Elena Georgiou Interview in Bustle Magazine

MFAW Director, Elena Georgiou Interview in Bustle Magazine

As one of the three finalists for the New American Voices Award, given by the Institute for Immigration Research, Elena was interviewed for the following article in Bustle Magazine.   From the website, here's a little bit about the award: "The idea for the award,...

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Kyle Bass Commission

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Kyle Bass Commission

MFAW-VT faculty member Kyle Bass's play, Possessing Harriet, (commissioned by the Onondaga Historical Society and directed by Thazewell Thompson)  will be be performed at Syracuse Stage (at Syracuse University) from Oct 19 to Nov 4. One hundred seventy five years ago,...

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Deborah Brevoort Met Museum Commission

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Deborah Brevoort Met Museum Commission

MFAW-VT faculty member Deborah Brevoort has been commissioned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, On-Site Opera and American Lyric Theater to write the libretto for an opera about Lady Murasaki, who wrote THE TALE OF GENJI, the world’s first published novel. The...

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Kenny Fries and Another Grant!

MFAW-VT Faculty Member Kenny Fries and Another Grant!

MFAW-VT faculty member Kenny Fries has received a grant from the Canada Council of the Arts to work on a book of essays on legacy. The working title of the book is Frida Kahlo’s Leg: Personal Essays on Disability, Role Models, and Representation.

