MFAW-VT Faculty Member Douglas A. Martin will be read and talk with Andrew Durbin on “Queer Narratives & Methods” on Thursday, April 5th, for CLAGS: Center for LGBTQ Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, Room 9205, in New York City. The program...
Alchemy of the Word
You asked for them: Those moving, inspiring, thought-provoking keynote and graduation lectures that you couldn't stop thinking about. At the residencies for the Goddard MFA in Creative Writing program, "Can I get a copy of that?" is an even more common refrain than...
Beatrix Gates Will Be Guest Poet
MFAW-WA faculty member Beatrix Gates will be the guest poet at Opera House Arts Voice2Voice Poetry Declamation Contest which is partnering with schools in Blue Hill, Sedgwick, Brooklin and Deer Isle/ Stonington on April 12th for the purpose of exposing middle school...
Kenny Fries’s “In The Province of the Gods” is a LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FINALIST!!
"Kenny Fries embarks on a journey of profound self-discovery as a disabled foreigner in Japan, a society historically hostile to difference. As he visits gardens, experiences Noh and butoh, and meets artists and scholars, he also discovers disabled gods, one-eyed...
Ten in Ten: MFA reading at Elliott Bay
What is Ten in Ten? This year, TEN members of the MFA in Creative Writing faculty are bringing books, plays, and productions into the world. You can catch three of them at Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, Washington, along with moderator and Goddard MFA graduate...
Interview with Bhanu Kapil
Goddard MFAW faculty Bhanu Kapil is interviewed about her life as a poet in the most recent Cosmonauts Avenue!
The New American Story Project
Goddard MFA in Creative Writing faculty member Micheline Aharonian Marcom, along with four other artists and writers, for the past year and a half has been working on The New American Story Project, a digital oral history project recording the stories of children who have fled violence in Central America and have come to the United States as refugees. JoAnne Tompkins, a current student in the Goddard MFA in Writing Program in Port Townsend, WA, interviews Aharonian Marcom about The New American Story Project.
An Interview with Douglas A. Martin
In the new Rain Taxi, Douglas Martin and Andy Fitch talk through the examples of Kathy Acker, Hart Crane, Gertrude Stein, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, and others. Narcissism. Writing sentences like painting. And how one gets involved in the work.
Political Incorrectness: History in the Family
Today it’s popular to say that political correctness is destroying America, but a recently discovered set of century-old clippings offer a cautionary reminder of what our country was like without political correctness. Goddard MFA faculty member Aimee Liu’s opinion piece about political correctness and her family history was published in the LA Times on March 27.
NASA asked us what might this mission teach us about ourselves and our universe. NASA asked us how are we as a people are stretched and deepened by explorations beyond our Earthly home. And we have answered—collectively, surrealistically, idealistically. We are ready for our words to ride aboard the OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft on its journey to the asteroid Bhanu/Bennu.