Keenan Norris anthology launches this week

San Bernardino, Singing, the first anthology of literature about the city, launches this week. Each day, May 25 – 31, at 3 pm, they will release a new video and hold a Zoom live session (total time including video and conversation: 30 minutes) to celebrate this wonderful new addition to California’s literary history. Join Keenan on Day 5!

Interview with Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi

Goddard’s Port Townsend MFA faculty member Aimee Liu will be interviewing Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi on Tuesday, March 15, in Los Angeles about her new book Love, Loss, and What We Ate. This vivid memoir of food and family, survival and triumph, traces the arc of Lakshmi’s unlikely path from an immigrant childhood to a complicated life in front of the camera—a tantalizing blend of Ruth Reichl’s Tender at the Bone and Nora Ephron’s Heartburn.

And more on… Fox Tooth Heart

And more on… Fox Tooth Heart

MFAW-VT faculty member John McManus's new collection of short stories Fox Tooth Heart has garnered amazing reviews since we posted about it two weeks ago. Join us in celebrating John's success, and read all about it below! From LitHub Magazine: "The first sentence of...

Don’t Write?!?!

Don’t Write?!?!

Rahna Reiko Rizzuto talks strategies to free yourself from the stranglehold our society's consumer priorities may be having on your writing today on Hedgebrook's blog: "I’ve been thinking a lot about being a writer in this world. Not about the need to raise our...

Narrating Beyond Narration

Narrating Beyond Narration

Tarpaulin Sky has just published Part II of an interview with Jan Clausen about her recent book Veiled Spill: A Sequence. Here's a quick excerpt: For me, “Veiled Spill #14” is an effort to narrate beyond narration. To tell a kind of story in the space beyond story....

Victoria Nelson in London

Victoria Nelson in London

Victoria Nelson is in London this month!... Read her London Postcard: I am in London this month, staying in a spacious flat with dodgy plumbing in the Marylebone district of central London (this is the old station, not the flat): The weather has been gorgeous, tulips...



I groomed a Derby horse in 1984 named Swale and he won the race, too.  And then years later I learned how to write prose through a book I stayed with called "Track Conditions" which was published in 1993, I think.  Sometimes Swale comes back in poems.  Here he is...

Art As a response to Planetary Emergency

Art As a response to Planetary Emergency

Although both had been feminist writers and peace activists living in Brooklyn, NY for many years, playwright Karen Malpede and poet/novelist Jan Clausen didn’t know each other very well until they spent a night in jail together following a civil disobedience arrest...

HARIBO to publish “B-61” by Douglas A. Martin

HARIBO to publish “B-61” by Douglas A. Martin

This is a new publishing idea ("a new place for writing that I am making online"). More from editor Jacob Severn: "I would hesitate to call it a journal, because it will have no archive, no collection. Only a single piece will be made available to read at any given...

Rebecca Brown on Opera Diva Worship

Rebecca Brown on Opera Diva Worship

Check out Faculty member Rebecca Brown's essay on opera diva Stephanie Blythe in The Stranger... "...The word "diva" is Italian for "goddess," and human culture is full of humans who, if they try to approach the divine too closely, get burned (though not always...

