Faculty Spotlight Podcast Series

Get to know us: Who we are, what we write, how we teach, what Goddard means to us, what a residency is like…even stuff most people don’t know about us. Listen to all our faculty interviews for an inside look at Goddard!

AAAAAA- Aimeeliu At Awp And Aroho in April

AAAAAA- Aimeeliu At Awp And Aroho in April

Goddard Port Townsend faculty member Aimee Liu will be at AWP with Acting Program Director Elena Georgiou in Minneapolis, April 8-11. Come say hello at Goddard's Booth -- #720. Aimee will also be reading at AROHO’s Night of "Glittering, Vocal Expansiveness" with Janet...

Come Back to Goddard

Come Back to Goddard

The Port Townsend residency, happening now, is excited to be welcoming two of our Vermont alumni, Mary Johnson and Cara Hoffman, who will be reading and doing workshops Monday through Thursday next week. The readings are open to the public, and offer a great time to...

Welcome Laleh Khadivi

Welcome Laleh Khadivi

Novelist and documentary filmmaker Laleh Khadivi is joining the faculty in Port Townsend this semester.  Introducing herself in her own words, Laleh writes: "I came to literature through film. My documentary work has focused on the criminal justice system and...

Welcome to Vermont!

Welcome to Vermont!

  winter garden at GoddardGoddard silo in the snowgoddard as narnia   New students on campus today for the winter residency. Snow on the ground; mini writing retreats on the new schedule; plus the return of Rebecca Brown, John McManus, and Jane Wohl....

Ruth Ozeki to Goddard in January

We are thrilled that our Visiting Writer at the upcoming winter residency in Vermont will be novelist and filmmaker Ruth Ozeki. Ruth’s first two novels, My Year of Meats (1998) and All Over Creation (2003), have been translated into eleven languages and published in...

Wendy Goldberg on The O’Neill Development Process

Wendy Goldberg on The O’Neill Development Process

Wendy Goldberg, Artistic Director National Playwright's Conference, will be joining us at the next Vermont residency, on January 6th (1:15pm to 3:00pm) for a discussion on The O'Neill Development Process at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre center, one of the nation’s...

Alum Charlie Bondhus returns in January

Alum Charlie Bondhus returns in January

Poet and Goddard College alumnus Charlie Bondhus (MFAW '05) reads from his work on Friday, January 9th at 7 pm.  Free and open to the public.  Presented by the MFA in Creative Writing Program's Alumni Reader Series. Charlie Bondhus’s second book, All the Heat We Could...

