SALE! This election day, Rahna Reiko Rizzuto’s SHADOW CHILD will be the Kindle Daily Deal, which means you can get the ebook for $2.99 – cheaper than a cup of Brooklyn coffee.
If you have not yet experienced Shadow Child for yourself, it’s a haunting literary novel, a “beautifully woven historical saga wrapped in a page-turning mystery” set in1970s New York City and World War II-era Japan, about three strong women, the dangerous ties of family and identity, and the long shadow our histories can cast. It’s been called a perfect book club book in Library Journal’s starred review. As it follows the experience of the Japanese Americans through World War II incarceration and the bombing of Hiroshima, it is also a good choice for course adoption (those of you who are teachers), and a reminder of how history’s long shadow is being cast on our daily national headlines.
It’s one day only, so mark your calendars if you are interested.  Tuesday: VOTE. Buy. Celebrate new worlds, imagined and in progress. Share and spread the word.
(And don’t forget Reiko’s interview on The Rumpus, Electric Literature essaySalon Article, and this essay on Lit Huball of which are also linked on her website blog.)