Congratulations to Juanita Kirton for receiving 2nd Prize from Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest for her short story, Fall Skates! You can read it here:

Dr. Juanita Kirton earned MFA from Goddard College and was the recipient of the Goddard College Spirit Scholarship. She is a member of Women Who Write, Inc. and Women Reading Aloud. Juanita served on the editorial staff at Clockhouse Literary Journal and is published in several anthologies; recently, Alexandria Publication Online Portfolio, Nasty Women Poets Anthology, Persimmon Tree, Pink Panther Magazine, Stone Canoe, Rat’s Ass Online Journal, Umbrella Factory Magazine, and Veterans Voice Magazine. Juanita won the 2019 Baker Veterans Writing Scholarship for the Longleaf Writers Conference in Seaside, Florida. Her chapbook, “Letters to my Father” published by Finishing Line Press, 2019 (released 2020).
Dr. Kirton works for the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education, a US Army Veteran and resides with her spouse in Northeast, PA. Besides writing, Juanita enjoys touring the country on her motorcycle.