MFAW-VT faculty member Kenny Fries has published a response to Lionel Shriver’s recent attack on Penguin/Random House UK’s push for diversity online at Medium.  The piece is called “The Exclusivity of Inclusion: On Disability and Diversity”   In the article he quotes fellow faculty member Reiko Rizzuto.  Fries’ article is a response to Lionel Shriver’s screed in The Spectator about Penguin/Random House UK’s push for diversity.  Here’s the opening and Reiko’s response:
“In Shriver’s attack on Penguin’s goal that by 2025 the percentage of their staff and authors should reflect that of the UK population she writes, ‘If an agent submits a manuscript written by a gay transgender Caribbean who dropped out of school at seven and powers around town on a mobility scooter, it will be published, whether or not said manuscript is an incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible pile of mixed-paper recycling.’

To this, Japanese American writer Rahna Reiko Rizzuto responded: ‘Really? I would totally read that.’ My first thought was how much I’ve read by Caucasian heterosexual cis-gendered well- educated nondisabled biped writers that fit Shriver’s “incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible” description.”
