This is a new publishing idea (“a new place for writing that I am making online”). More from editor Jacob Severn:
“I would hesitate to call it a journal, because it will have no archive, no collection. Only a single piece will be made available to read at any given time.”
I first met Jacob some years ago now when visiting one of Darcey Steinke’s classes, something I sometimes do at Goddard even, like to read for her one of Barry Hannah’s stories, “Water Liars.”
She had been my teacher at the New School, and I was going to her class to talk about my novel Branwell, a book initially sparked by conversations with her in her office as she was putting together notes for a lecture on the Brontë family.
In the same class as Jacob was Katie Peyton, who organized the All-Night Bookstore project pairing me with him for collaborating; this seemed right. We shared a birthday.
Sometimes these things work out. And then we saw each other again at a book event.
“There will only ever be one thing to read on HARIBO. Twice yearly, the past 26 weeks of HARIBO work will be made available in .pdf format, so that all of the pieces can live together somewhere, but the online component will be ephemeral. HARIBO combines the immediacy of the internet with the transitory nature of print.”
Initially my piece was to run last week, but scheduled dates shifted forward for everyone by a week. So now it is my pleasure to present the site and story here, the week I am doing my first Goddard blog post. (And the beautiful thing is, if you click over after this week of my original posting you will discover a different writer, a new piece).
The story comes out of a lyric essay class that was presided over by the formidable Wayne Kostenbaum, a week where the assignment was partly to include the name of a perfume in our composition and when I believe we were reading Colette’s The Pure and the Impure.
To submit to the venture: